Do you want to be a CrossFit games athlete?
Or perform to the best of your ability at an upcoming comp?
Or look good and feel great?
There is no right answer, what matters is that it's important to you.
Renegade’s approach to helping you achieve your goal is unique but tried and true when it comes to helping everyday people get amazing results from their training.
If you truly want to be successful in achieving your fitness goals, we believe that you need to take an integrated approach to the pursuit:
Following a well-thought-out programme
Eating to support your goals
Using a mental performance process to help ensure your success
This is how we ensure your success.
As coaches, we don't work with everyone, we want to make sure that our programme is the right fit for you before you join us. We achieve this by getting to know you on a free strategy call.
Click the button below to schedule a time.
Learn how to eat to perform, with the side effect of looking good and feeling great.
Do you feel like you are too heavy to perform gymnastics movements well?
Or maybe you feel too small to move those heavier weights?
Or is it that you feel flat and unfit in workouts and struggle to push yourself?
Maybe you are just unhappy with your body shape and energy and want to change that?
All of these problems are solved through nutrition.
Our goal with Nutrition is to coach you on how to eat optimally, in a sustainable way to achieve your goals.
We will cut through all the Nutrition B.S that's out there and teach you what you actually need to know to achieve long-lasting results.
No fad diets or quick fixes. If that's what you want then we are not the right place for you…
We will coach you to achieve your ultimate performance physique.

Renegade Programming Is built for people who are looking to push their ability to the next level.
At a base level, it's about focusing on your weaknesses until they are no longer holding you back.
At a higher level, it’s ensuring you are ready for the competitions on your calendar for the year.
The Renegade Programme enables you to stay ready year-round.
Develop a rock-solid mindset to guarantee yourself results
We believe the difference between the people who achieve their goals and the ones who don't largely come down to the way that you think.
Your ability to be consistent, to work through struggles, overcome obstacles and believe in yourself.
These are the skills that lead to success.
The amazing thing about mindset is that it can be developed and learned over time.
Just like skills you acquire in the gym through drills and practice, we can help you develop a rock-solid mindset.
So the good news is that if you don’t feel like you act this way right now, we can coach you to get there.

Level 1: Directed Coaching Programme
Price: $
This programme is designed for the busy individual who already follows a programme either at a gym or on their own.
This is our most cost-effective option that produces epic results.
Directed coaching gives you unlimited accessory programmes, nutrition coaching, and mindset support to help you level up.
Level 2: Specialised Coaching Programme
Cost: $$
(Limited availability)
This is for the individual who wants a higher level of support with their nutrition and mindset to help them get to their goals.
You get everything from directed coaching but with a higher level of support.
Level 3: 1:1 Athlete Coaching Programme
Cost: $$$
(Very limited availability)
This is for the athlete who wants the ultimate support to reach the next level.
If you are serious about your goals, then this programme is for you.
Personalised programming, nutrition and mindset support.